HRINC Annual Compensation Survey is the most important report providing you a general overview of compensation and trends in the market. It can help you to decide what to change in your compensation structure, review compensation structure and it is also your starting point to determine the market parity.


  • Economic review and outlook in Cambodia as well as in the global
  • Salary data to be presented both in net and gross by levels and functions
  • Salary data to be presented both in net and gross by activity sector (multinational report only)
  • Generic job descriptions by each level and function
  • Annual average total compensation by levels and by functions
  • HR Practices and challenges (salary increase, turnover rate, recruitment challenges, etc.)


  • You can understand compensation and HR practices in the market and as well as the economic review
  • You can benchmark your compensation with the market
  • You can review and develop your compensation structure and HR practices


  • Current job descriptions and organization chart for doing Job Evaluation
  • Individual staff salary data for each staff member
  • HR and Benefit questionnaire for completion

Insight report

The insight report will show you the highlight of annual private sector such as the general information of the salary data and table of contents that we present in the full report. Please kindly go to the link below, you can review the insight report since 2009 till the year 2014: