HRINC Annual Compensation Survey is the most important report providing you a general overview of compensation and trends in the market. It can help you to decide what to change in your compensation [...]
HRINC Garment & Footwear Compensation Survey is the most representative garment industry report in Cambodia representing approximately 100 thousand employees in the country in 117 factories in [...]
This study is an ADB flagship publication in which we were part of the team that authored the social: health, employment and education section. In particular BDLINK focused on employment and [...]
Several studies, conducted by BDLINK for The World Bank, such as: “Higher Education and Skills for the Labour Market in Cambodia” and “Higher Education and Vocational Training Study in [...]
A discussion to understand the cost of labour and the evolution of construction worker wages over the last five years (2007-2011).
This study seeks to understand how the market wages of unskilled [...]
A study on the impact of the global economic crises in the Cambodian Garment Sector – the impact and outcomes of the sector and how factory managers addressed the situation. The publication was [...]