This study identifies the financial needs of MSME’s in Cambodia by sector and by provincial location.  The publication is over 100 pages, and has resulted in the development of new financial products in the marketing including leasing and invoicing against loans.

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This pioneering study was the first ever energy efficiency project in Cambodia (results presented in the appendix) and has resulted in several sustainable initiatives addressing energy efficiency in the garment sector.  Recently at the ILO Green jobs workshops, garment factories were presenting immense changes and developments in their energy usage.

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This landmark study, conducted by BDLINK, put Skills Issues on the table, at a political and ministerial level.  

The impact of this study has been vast, in that it is being used by donor agencies such as the World Bank to draft the Skills Policy for Cambodia.

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A guide for government and stakeholders interested in embarking on a streamlining lining process to improve the impact and timing of government processes at a provincial level.

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This study was the first every employer branding study conducted in Cambodia. A corporate social responsibility initiative being implemented again in 2011.

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